It's a fact if you believe Gartner quoted in this discussion as saying that a fifth of enterprises will hold no IT assets by 2012 as Cloud Computing and Virtualization practices become commonplace.
My take is not so fast...
Let's analyze this a bit more. As a far as a fifth of all companies I could agree because almost all startups and many of the smaller size companies are “clouding” their IT assets. But that does not mean a fifth of ALL IT assets will be in the cloud. I think the fraction of all IT assets that are “clouded” will be significantly less than one fifth as most medium and large businesses as well as the Fed will be skeptical about “clouding” their IT assets for the foreseeable future. Do I hear someone say “private” cloud?
So the nutshell:
One fifth companies - Yes, it's possible.
One fifth of all IT assets - Not so fast.
* Originally posted on the ebizQ Cloud Forum on May 11, 2010
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