Monday, March 16, 2009

Model Driven Architecture - Hype Vs Reality

If you’ve been keeping up with your daily doze of buzzwords then you’ve most likely heard of MDA. MDA stands for Model Driven Architecture and is required knowledge for cocktail discussions.

The Concept
The concept behind MDA is certainly not new and is quite simple in theory. In its most rudimentary form, it is the all too familiar code generation that has been offered by leading software modeling tools such as Rational Rose and the Together family of products. These tools allow you to model your system as a series of packages and classes (for Java) and then generate the skeletal code based off of these models. They also offer something called “round trip engineering” in which you can make changes to your code and import these into your models thus keeping your models in sync with your code. Although a very noble concept, I have rarely seen it fully implemented in real projects. Even if a project did implement “round trip engineering”, I would question the benefit provided for the cost of doing so.

MDA is more than code generation. It is a formalization of several concepts by the Object Management Group (OMG). The OMG is best known for its distributed object model specification called CORBA and the widely used modeling language called the Unified Modeling Language or UML.

The Lingo
At the very core of MDA is the concept of a model. A model is an abstraction of the end (or target) system. It serves as a prototype and a proof-of-concept. MDA defines two types of models. A Platform Independent Model (PIM) is one that describes the target system without any details about the specifics of the implementation platform. On the other hand, a Platform Specific Model (PSM) describes the target system on its intended platform, such as J2EE, .NET, CORBA, etc. The process of converting a PIM into a PSM is called transformation. A model (PIM or PSM) is written in a modeling language. The OMG does not restrict MDA to any particular language. However, the modeling language must be well defined, which means that it must be precise to allow interpretation by a computer. Therefore, a human language such as English is not an option (at least for the foreseeable future). An example of a good modeling language is (obviously) the UML.

Is it just Hype?
As I mentioned earlier, MDA is not a novel concept. We already talked about code generation, but database designers have been using a form of MDA for a long time. ErWin by Computer Associates is a CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tool that provides MDA abilities to database designers and administrators. ErWin allows you to define your database design using a logical model. A logical database model is free from any database vendor specific details. In MDA terminology the logical model is a PIM. ErWin automates the process of converting the database agnostic logical model into a database specific (such as Oracle, SQL server, etc.) model. This database specific model is known as the physical model by database designers and as a PSM in MDA lingo. As I mentioned earlier, the process of converting a PIM into a PSM is called transformation. Finally, ErWin can be used to generate the SQL code (DDL) to create the database structure (tables, views, indexes, triggers, etc.) for the targeted database. Based on the definition of MDA and the capabilities offered by the tool, ErWin is an MDA tool. In this case the modeling language is the well defined E/R diagramming notation. So there is no doubt that MDA tools are possible. However, there are several hurdles to overcome before such tools become mainstream for general purpose software development, and especially for custom development.

Two such hurdles include:

Transformation Complexity Although designing a properly normalized database that meets the business needs and application performance demands is a non trivial task, the process of converting the database PIM into a PSM and the PSM into SQL is fairly mundane. Transforming complex class and interaction diagrams is a more involved and [possibly] artistic process with many possible alternatives, each one with its own set of pros and cons.

Language Expressiveness Once again, the simplistic E/R diagramming notation is sufficient for describing complex database diagrams mainly because the complexity is not in the diagram but rather in the design decisions and tradeoffs considered while creating the diagram. E/R notation is also universally accepted as the language used by database designers for data modeling. UML, on the other hand (even with 2.0) is very controversial in its ability to support complex software interactions and is often extended with custom stereotypes and notations by software architects and designers. Even though, MDA is not tied to UML, the reality is that UML is the lingua franca of MDA.

The Reality
In my opinion, MDA tools, even with their existing limitations, have a definite place in any architect’s toolbox. But then, everything can be taken to an extreme and the same applies to MDA, which is not without its associated hypes.

Here are the two most common ones that I encounter:

MDA brings Software Architecture to the masses Remember, MDA is a tool in an architect’s toolbox. It is not the toolbox itself and it is definitely not the architect. MDA does not eliminate the need for competent and experienced architects, designers, and coders on the team. As the saying goes “Not everyone with a hammer in their hand is a carpenter”.

MDA equals Software Architecture using pictures Is this really possible? Even in database modeling, where a level of MDA is already being used, how far does MDA take database architecture? Talk with any database designer or DBA and you will quickly realize that most of their work does not really revolve around using ErWin. The same applies to software architecture in general. It involves much more than drawing pictures. In fact, one could argue that it involves too much, which is why we are still struggling to come up with a universally accepted definition of software architecture.

So, my recommendation is to use the MDA tools for what they are… tools, and stay away from the hype. Maybe the next acronym to take root will be CDA or Command Driven Architecture (coined by yours truly). You basically tell (or command) the CDA tool that you want a robust, multi-tiered architecture for handling bank transactions and the tool creates it for you. And while it’s at it, maybe it will bake you some cookies as well. What do you think?

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